Ethical model of management: a conceptual approach

Keywords: ethics, ethical management, ethical decisions, model, simulation, management of ethics, ethical norms


The article is devoted to the question of the role of ethical management, which is proposed to be implemented in the format of a model. Because ethical management is conceived by the author as a dynamic and continuous process that needs to adapt to the changing internal and external context of the organization, such as industry, market, stakeholders, culture and values. Ethical governance benefits organizations by improving reputation, trust, loyalty, productivity and profitability, and by avoiding legal, regulatory and reputational risks. It is emphasized that ethical management can be implemented in the form of a model. In turn, an ethical management model requires awareness, commitment and action from all levels of the organization, especially top management. The author states that in order for the ethical model of management to become effective, it must first be guided by a certain set of criteria (components) that must be followed so that management within the organization and its development takes place in line with ethical principles and principles. The following are highlighted among them: honesty, integrity, justice, kindness, legality, perfection, leadership and responsibility. It is shown that conceptually ethical management can be implemented through a number of approaches. In particular, this traditional approach involves the implementation through society's perception of management as an ethical category, under the conditions of performance of the assigned tasks by the team without going beyond the framework of ethical norms and standards. A principled approach is based on the use of ethical criteria to guide behavior, actions and policies in an organization. The approach to the survey in the field of ethical regulation is based on short practical questions that regulate the behavior and process of ethical decision-making in the organization.

It is concluded that each individual brings his own ethical profile to the workplace and is ultimately responsible for his actions or decisions from an ethical point of view. However, organizations can and do influence the quality of ethical decisions made by their leaders, managers, and employees, as well as the ethical principles they adhere to and refer to when making these decisions, thereby implementing ethical governance at work.


Author Biography

Oleksandr Shtyrov, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, 2a, st. 1-a Voyenna, Mykolaiv, 54003, Ukraine

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor,
Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Management and Administration
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University,
2a, st. 1-a Voyenna, Mykolaiv, 54003, Ukraine


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