Theoretical principles of sustainable development of territorial communities: public administrative aspect

Keywords: public administration; public administration system; Local Government; local community; authorities; Sustainability; components of sustainable development; territorial community development goals


The article establishes contradictions between the normatively fixed order of program management of the territory and the realization of the possibility of territorial communities to independently manage the administrative-territorial unit, implementing the provisions of the concept of sustainable development. Differences in the goals, tasks, indicators of the development of territorial communities during the implementation of socio-economic development programs and the implementation of the provisions of the state regulatory acts regarding sustainable development have been proven. It is noted that indicators of socio-economic development are not related to real management processes of the authority, although a significant part of them concerns the components of sustainable development: economic, social, environmental.

The article proves that the introduction of reporting of executive bodies of local self-government to deputies and the population based on indicators of sustainable development can be carried out only with a paradigm shift from programmatic socio-economic management to a real assessment of the activities of local authorities. It was concluded that communities cannot carry out this change independently, it must be carried out systematically, centrally with methodical support from the state, as the introduction of new democratic forms of governance, unlike the traditions of the Soviet era.

The analysis showed that in order to introduce indicators of sustainable development into the reporting of local self-government bodies on their activities, it is necessary to make changes to normative legal acts of different levels and of different legal weight. It is noted that the implementation of a complex combination of strategic planning taking into account the needs of the community, the peculiarities of the state of administrative-territorial units with the goals and indicators of sustainable development are the primary tasks of changing the development paradigm of our state and its territorial communities in the post-war period.

The article emphasizes that the issue of territorial community management based on the concept of sustainable development will become a primary need after the end of the war, since for settlements affected by military actions, the issue of combining economic revival, social protection of the population, and environmental restoration in order to preserve resources for future generations will be the content of their existence.


Author Biography

Oleh Kravets, National University «Odesa Polytechnic», 1 Shevchenko Avenue, Odesa, Ukraine

PhD student of the Department of Public administration and regionalism,
Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Service and Management
of the National University «Odesa Polytechnic»,
1 Shevchenko Avenue, Odesa, Ukraine


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Regional and Industrial Management