Features of the formation of the innovation and investment system at the regional level

Keywords: investment, innovation, government policy, government innovation-investment policy, innovation-investment system, regional level


The structure of the innovation and investment system in the region has been improved, in which: the program for the socio-economic development of the region is formed in accordance with the goals of state and regional economic policies; The program for investment and innovation development of the region consists of programs for the development of great investment and innovation business, scientific places, academic places, foundations of high light, programs for the development of leading investment and innovation business, science and technology centers, scientific research organizations and complexes, business incubators, technology parks , program for the development of small investment and innovation business, incl. venture; Financing of investment and innovation projects is provided for the following reasons: budget contributions (tax portion, resource rent); extra-budgetary funds (funds, deposits, shares); private deposits (on a permanent and timely basis).

Concentration on this area of a whole series of mutually dependent organizations from various areas of activity (specialized employees; agents who provide services to private workers; scientific research organizations tsіi, Galuzev associations, chambers of commerce and industry), both competitors and partners, I affirm cluster. Clusters play a key role in scientific fields, since the effectiveness of the exchange of information and knowledge implies the presence of territorial proximity and direct communications between innovative subjects and activities. This is clearly demonstrated in the state of California, Silicon Valley. Venture capital is one of the widely used instruments for providing financial resources for innovative activities. This type of capital is located in the shareholder capital, usually of a small company, for the limited period of time necessary to capture profits from the commercialization of science-based products and investment Other risks. In this case, venture capital acts as a key factor necessary for the start of an innovative project. It is a common practice of the world to ensure the protection of intellectual power in modern innovative activities: in almost all countries there is a system of legislative acts that are regulated by the authorities and intellectual power. In this case, the science-based results of innovative activities are demonstrated to the wider public, and part of the income from commercialization is transferred to retailers. In connection with this, the system of ensuring the protection of intellectual power appears as one of the key mechanisms of the continuous evolution of human capital. The massive impact on the socio-economic efficiency of NIS, based on a wealth of research, gives the country the power to regulate innovative activities. In connection with this, there is a need for complementary research into the mutual influx of the market and power in the minds of the economy, which is based on knowledge. There are low factors that influence the role of government regulation in the process of ensuring innovative activity.


Author Biography

Oleksandr Kutovyi, State Tax University, 31 Universytetska Street, Irpin, Kyiv region, 08200, Ukraine

graduate student of the State Tax University,
31 Universytetska Street, Irpin, Kyiv region, 08200, Ukraine


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Regional and Industrial Management