Financial and budgetary mechanism of public management of the construction and restoration processes: theoretical basis

Keywords: reconstruction and recovery processes, public administration, financial and budgetary mechanism, planning, budget, mobilization of resources, transparency, control


The financial and budgetary mechanism plays a key role in the reconstruction process in Ukraine, ensuring stable financing, transparency and accountability of management, effective allocation of resources, attraction of various sources of financing, including international donors, focusing on priority areas of reconstruction. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the theoretical foundations of the construction of the financial and budgetary mechanism of public management of reconstruction and restoration processes.

The financial and budgetary mechanism of public management of reconstruction and restoration processes is proposed to be interpreted as a system of tools, methods and procedures that ensure effective planning, distribution, use and control of financial resources necessary for the implementation of reconstruction and restoration measures. Its goal is to mobilize and ensure the rational and effective use of financial resources necessary for the restoration and development of territories affected by military conflicts or natural disasters, as well as to create conditions for sustainable economic and social development in the long term.

The research summarizes the elements of the financial and budgetary mechanism of public management of reconstruction and restoration processes, specifies its tasks, defines the subjects and objects of management, and substantiates the principles, methods and tools of management. It has been proven that the operation of the mechanism should be based on a few principles, including transparency, efficiency, accountability, priority, fairness, flexibility, long-term sustainability, innovation, cooperation, targeted use of resources. The main tasks of the mechanism are planning and budgeting, mobilization of financial resources, their distribution and use, control and audit, risk management, reporting and ensuring transparency, development of the institutional capacity of public administration subjects. Systematized financial and budgetary instruments of direct and indirect influence.

An important direction of further research is the systematization of financial and budgetary tools of public administration, considering the features of specific reconstruction and recovery processes at the community level.


Author Biography

Viacheslav Zubenko, National University «Odesa Polytechnic», 1 Shevchenko Avenue, Odesa, Ukraine

Postgraduate student of Local Self-Government and Territorial Development Department,
Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Service and Management
of the National University «Odesa Polytechnic»,
1 Shevchenko Avenue, Odesa, Ukraine


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Regional and Industrial Management