Perspectives of the functioning of mechanisms of state regulation of economic security at the national and regional level

Keywords: management, public management, state management, regional policy, state regulation, economic security, state policy


In this article, an analysis and doctrinal synthesis of the perspective principles of the functioning of mechanisms of state regulation of economic security at the national and regional levels is carried out.

Argumentatively, it is shown that in modern conditions, the need for the formation of a new, modern paradigm of ensuring economic security in the conditions of non-linear dynamics of the national economy and society, the growth of crisis phenomena, and the threat of their rapid spread is becoming more and more acute. Under the influence of globalization, tendencies toward the complication of the problem of economic security of Ukraine and its regions, which are accompanied by the reduction of opportunities and the absence of effective mechanisms for ensuring security, are becoming increasingly apparent.

As a result of the conducted research, it was concluded that to ensure economic security, it is necessary to develop an effective mechanism of state regulation at the national and regional levels. The main perspective principles of functioning of mechanisms of state regulation of economic security at the national and regional levels may include the development and implementation of a system of monitoring and assessment of economic security risks at the state and regional level; development and creation of an effective system of state regulation and control over economic activity at the state and regional level; ensuring the sustainable development of the economy and supporting the competitiveness of national enterprises at the state and regional levels; development and implementation of innovative technologies in the economy at the state and regional level; ensuring the stability of the financial system at the state and regional level.

It is shown that the implementation of these principles requires the coordination of the efforts of the state, the business environment and the public, and it is also necessary to create an effective mechanism of interaction between state bodies and businesses to ensure effective state regulation of economic security at the state and regional levels. Attention is focused on the fact that the perspective principles of the functioning of mechanisms of state regulation of economic security at the national and regional levels are aimed at ensuring the stability of the economy and social development of the country, and require joint efforts directed at the perspective principles of the functioning of mechanisms of state regulation of economic security at the national and regional levels, which are an important component of the effective economic policy of the country.


Author Biography

Denys Papirin, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody Sq, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

Postgraduate student of the Department of Economic Policy and Management
Educational and Scientific Institute «Institute of Public Administration»,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
4 Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine


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Public Administration of National Security and Defense Area