Theoretical basics of mechanisms of the interaction of the government and public in the conditions of hybrid threats

Keywords: public administration, the mechanism of public administration, the interaction of the authorities and the public, hybrid threats, the mechanism of the interaction of the authorities and the public in conditions of hybrid threats


The current situation in Ukraine creates relevant challenges for the country itself, its regions, business and the public, especially the issue of interaction with the authorities in the context of countering hybrid threats. In such conditions, the mechanism of interaction between the government and the public is relevant for two reasons. First, the presence of martial law in Ukraine poses additional challenges and requirements for public administration. Secondly, the interaction of authorities with the public is becoming increasingly important, as the influence of public opinion on management decisions in various spheres is increasing.

In the article, a theoretical generalization of modern scientific approaches to the problems of the mechanisms of interaction between the government and the public in the conditions of hybrid threats is carried out and four block-clusters of scientific approaches are distinguished: public-management, philosophical-sociocultural, informational-psychological, social-political. The theoretical foundations of the mechanisms of interaction between the authorities and the public in the conditions of hybrid threats have been studied.

The expanded interpretation of the scientific concept "mechanism of interaction between the government and the public in the conditions of hybrid threats" is substantiated, which differs from the existing ones by the author's clarification of its content. The components of the public administration mechanism, the peculiarities of their interrelationship, the main parameters for ensuring their effective functioning in various spheres of society, taking into account objective (organizational-legal) and subjective (social-psychological) factors, are highlighted.

In the modern approach to the construction and implementation of mechanisms of interaction between the authorities and the public in the conditions of hybrid threats, the following should be taken into account: the set of manifestations of the process itself, the regulatory and legal and organizational space (resources and opportunities of the participants), information flows and communication of the subjects of the process in order to overcome the consequences of global conflicts in various spheres of social life.


Author Biography

Tetiana Machabeli, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody Sq, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

postgraduate student of the Department of Public Policy,
Educational and Scientific Institute «Institute of Public Administration»,
N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
4 Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine


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Theory and Philosophy of Public Administration