Historical aspects of european integration: phenomenon of ancient heritage

Keywords: Europe, antiquity, history, socio-cultural heritage, European integration


The subject of the research is the systematization of cultural and civilizational shifts of ancient times as an important sociocultural factor of modern European integration. The methodological basis of the research is the civilizational approach to understanding historical development and the principle of historicism. The essence and features of ancient Greek and ancient Roman socio-cultural heritage are characterized, highlighting their many shared attributes. Therefore, this heritage is collectively referred to under the concept of "antiquity." Additionally, the thesis that ancient culture plays a special role in the formation of European identity is substantiated. However, the attempts at that time to rearrange the state system on the basis of direct democracy were not sustained or replicated in subsequent historical periods. These efforts remain in the memory of future generations as unique to their time attempts to ensure the participation of free citizens in the management of state affairs. Thus, antiquity forms a solid socio-cultural foundation for the formation and development of modern European civilization.

It is generally accepted that the ancient period of European history ended in AD 476, when the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire was removed from power. However, the spiritual and civilizational potential of the ancient era significantly influenced the development of European peoples from the Middle Ages to the Рresent.


Author Biography

Yuriy Dreval, Law Poltava University of Economics and Trade, St. Ivana Banka, 3, Poltava, 36000, Ukraine

Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Full Professor,
Full Professor of the Department of Law Poltava University of Economics and Trade,
St. Ivana Banka, 3, Poltava, 36000, Ukraine


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Theory and Philosophy of Public Administration