Green Transformation of Society as a Current Priority of State Policy: Problems and Prospects

  • Maksim Khozhylo National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic" 19 D. Yavornytskoho Avenue, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine
Keywords: public administration,


The article notes the importance and relevance of considering the issue of integrating the principles of the "green transformation" course into the sphere of public administration. The work emphasizes that this is of great importance for Ukraine in the context of the implementation of the country's European integration course, which has been enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine (Basic Law) since 2019. It was determined that the implementation of the principles of "green transformation" in the sphere of public administration is conditioned by the need for proper governance during the period of martial law in Ukraine and during the period of post-war reconstruction in order to effectively use the socio-economic potential and human resources of the state. It was established that the main problems of the active implementation of the "green transformation" policy at the current stage of Ukraine's development are the unstable socio-economic situation; the destruction and destruction of critical infrastructure facilities as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation; low level of technological and innovative development of the leading sectors of the economy; weak development of educational and information activity on the part of public authorities.Among the most relevant ways of development, the following have been identified: development and implementation of the policy of "green transformation" at the national level on the basis of multi-industry, multi-system and multi-sectoral content; broad attraction of investments and financing of relevant national, regional and local programs; development of national standards, rules and regulations for the implementation of the principles of "green policy" in all spheres of economy; support and development of international cooperation in the direction of implementation of the principles of "green transformation"; effective communication, education and informing the population about the advantages of the chosen course of "green transformation" in order to achieve better economic and social indicators of life, health and well-being of the population in an ecologically clean and safe environment.


Author Biography

Maksim Khozhylo, National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic" 19 D. Yavornytskoho Avenue, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences,

Doctoral Student of the Department of Public Administration and Local Self-Government

National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic"

19 D. Yavornytskoho Avenue, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine


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