Content and essence of state regulation of foreign economic activities
The article reveals the meaning of the concept of "foreign economic activity", highlights the essence of state regulation of foreign economic activity, outlines the principles and mechanisms of modern regulation of foreign economic activity. It is noted that foreign economic activity is defined as economic activity related to the implementation of production-economic, organizational-economic, operational-commercial, financial-investment functions of the enterprise, which are carried out both in the customs territory of Ukraine and outside its borders for the purpose of obtaining profit as a result of the execution of agreements with foreign entities of economic activity.
The variety of approaches to determining the essence of state regulation of foreign economic activity is demonstrated. It is emphasized that state regulation of foreign economic activity is a system of measures of a legislative, executive and controlling nature, aimed at improving foreign economic activity in the interests of the national economy, which provide for the creation of certain conditions and mechanisms for the effective development of relations between business entities based on a combination of legislative influence on export - import activities of enterprises and economic levers (taxes, duties, etc.) in order to ensure the balance of the economy and the balance of the domestic market of the country and to stimulate progressive foreign economic relations; creation of favorable conditions for the involvement of the state's economy in the market structures of developed foreign countries. This is an activity based on mutually beneficial economic relations in the field of international trade, capital movements, labor migration, technology transfer.
It is noted that in a broad sense, state regulation of foreign economic activity is the regulatory influence of the state on foreign economic activity in general, in a narrow sense, it is the development and implementation of a certain foreign economic policy.
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