Scientific origins of state regulation of economic development of the country
The article reveals the meaning of the concepts of "regulation", "state regulation of the economy", and demonstrates a scientific discussion on understanding the definitions of the essence of these concepts in public administration. The complexity of the scientific category "state regulation of the country's economy" is pointed out, its meaning is revealed in both broad and narrow senses. Features of state regulation of the economy in Ukraine are outlined. It is claimed that the effectiveness of state regulation of the economy is determined by the following indicators: the characteristic of the correctness of the introduction of relevant measures; the ratio between the achieved results of state regulation of the economy and the costs of their implementation. It is emphasized that state regulation of the economy is a complex process, which includes the procedure for developing an economic policy, justifying its provisions, and choosing the means and methods of its implementation. It is noted that most often state regulation of the economy is considered as "the purposeful influence of the state on objects and processes by establishing rules of conduct for business entities with the aim of achieving stable economic development or changes in the direction required by society.
The main principles of state regulation of the economy are defined: the principle of objectivity (consists in ensuring compliance with the requirements of objective laws and real opportunities for the development of economic systems in all processes of state regulation); the principle of legality (ensures the priority of the law, the creation of strong legal foundations in the main areas of state regulation, clear compliance by all subjects of this activity with legal norms); the principle of universality (provides the opportunity to use the achievements of the science of state regulation in all spheres of management activity); the principle of gradual development (ensures the gradual replacement of administrative methods of state regulation with legal and economic ones); the principle of sufficiency (presupposes the inclusion in the scope of state regulation of only those areas of business that do not provide market mechanisms due to their incapacity or insufficient efficiency).
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