Provision of administrative services as a component of public services: a theoretical aspect
The article is devoted to the study of theoretical aspects of the provision of administrative services as a component of public services. It has been established that the main duty of the authorities is to prove to the public that the state should not manage it, but provide quality services. Because of this, it is currently quite important to make a lot of efforts to ensure the appropriate level of quality of public services in Ukraine. However, in the process of implementing this task there are many obstacles, as the system of public services is still not fully disclosed and has some contradictions and differences. It has been found that the term “service” should be understood as a useful action that helps others, while achieving a clearly defined goal and using various tools to achieve it. At the same time, it is common in the interpretation of services to understand them as the work of service providers, which is designed to meet the needs of consumers of these services. The main approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the concept of “public services” are considered. It is established that public services should be understood as socially important work of state and local authorities, institutions and organizations subordinate to them, designed to meet public needs and demands. Public services are characterized by public character, high social role, responsibility and guarantee of their provision. As a result of research, it was found that the term “administrative services” due to the large number of approaches to its interpretation and their differences is a rather complex and multifaceted concept. The essence of the concept of “administrative services” is revealed, which led to the conclusion that administrative services are the main element of public services provided by public authorities, and which are related to the exercise of power. The main direction of the study of the system of administrative services should be to determine a single interpretation of the essence of this term, able to relate to the practical activities of government agencies. The main features inherent in administrative services are considered.
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