Sustainable development: stages of formation, essence of the concept, main vectors and interfaces

Keywords: development, sustainable development, economic dimension, social dimension, ecological dimension


The article summarizes the theoretical findings in the study of sustainable development terminology. The evolution stages of the concept "sustainable development" are characterized and the transition from eco-development to sustainable development is schematically illustrated.

Characterization of the evolution stages of sustainable development allows to draw the following conclusions: first, the concept of sustainable development begins its existence with the crossing of two fundamental trajectories, that is economic growth and environmental awareness. Second, the concept of sustainable development is much broader than the concept of economic growth: it integrates social and cultural values and elements that are not taken into account in ordinary economic calculations (the value of natural resources and intangible heritage). Third, the transition of ideology from eco-development (which includes such components as the environment and development) to sustainable development (which combines environmental, economic and social dimensions) has gradually launched a new development strategy around the world. That allowed to formulate several significant long-term changes in the vision of human relations with the outside world and to implement policies to support this vision by governments around the world.

The works of foreign and domestic scholars on the essence of the concepts of "sustainable development", "balanced development", "socio-economic development" were studied and the definition of "sustainable development" was clarified as an evolutionary process of change in the relationship of social, environmental and economic dimensions. Three interfaces, i.e. "viability to life", "justice" and "viability" were added to these three initial parameters of sustainable development (economic, social and environmental).

The link between the environment (environmental dimension) and the economy (economic dimension) is "viable". This is the state when the environment provides natural resources that are useful and important for the survival of the economy for many years. Therefore, for the economy to be sustainable and profitable for future generations, natural resources must be used and managed properly, i.e. in a sustainable way. But it is necessary to keep in mind that the economy can help in protecting the environment as much as it can destroy it. "Life" is at the intersection of "environmental" and "social" dimensions. A healthy environment provides food, clean water, fresh air, shelter and jobs for society. It is an environment in which we can live. It is notable that all decisions made by a society will determine the future of this environment. Ultimately, "justice" joins together "social" and "economic" dimensions. Under conditions of economic governance and a stable economy, all members of society can have fair incomes, long-term jobs, quality goods and services. It should be noted that it is the members of society who decide how to distribute wealth and how to balance inequalities.

Because sustainable development is based on the concepts of integration and the search for balance, they must be treated in conjunction with equal measure and value and must not be hierarchical. This theoretically subtle balance is difficult to achieve in reality. The only way to get closer to it is to be sensitive while planning and evaluating projects, regardless of their progress and design. The search for a combination of three dimensions and three interfaces of sustainable development within the legal framework of the modern domestic practice requires additional research.


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Author Biographies

Galyna Kuspliak , ORIPA NAPA, Odessa

PhD in Public Administration, senior lecturer of the Regional Policy and Public Administration Department, ORIPA NAPA, Odessa

Igor Kuspliak , ORIPA NAPA, Odessa

PhD in Political Sciences, Docent, Associate Professor of the Electronic Management and Information Systems Department, ORIPA NAPA, Odessa


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Regional and Industrial Management