Analysis of the public administration system using the tools of the competence management center

Keywords: public administration; public administration; bureaucracy; competence management center; information and communication technologies; communication; competence.


The article examines the genesis of scientific ideas about the role of the state in the management of socio-economic development. It is determined that the system of public administration acts as the antithesis of the bureaucratic system of government and promotes effective interaction of the public sector, business structures and civil society, which affects the solution of socially significant problems. The necessity of information exchange in the process of strengthening the public character of management is proved.

A certain beginning in the process of information exchange in the system of public administration is the identification of internal and external personalized information resources, which, depending on the situation, act as representatives of business and civil society, and public administration. The next stages of information exchange in the system of public administration on the basis of the competence management center are the procedures of extraction, processing and analysis of information, which will be further used in the development of the project to solve the problem. A feature of the presented information exchange is the possibility of collecting secondary information that is missing for the preparation of the final decision. At the last stages of information exchange, direct decision-making and implementation, as well as analysis of the final result are carried out.

The center for competence management in the context of the functioning of the public administration system can have a significant impact on the characteristics of the state as a management institution and the social system as such. In our opinion, in clarifying the category of public administration in the context of an effective tool "competence management center", the latter can be interpreted as a special structural unit that manages the flow and use of social intellectual potential in the form of knowledge to solve socially significant problems. a full cycle of procedures for interactive interaction of three groups of actors - institutionally organized representatives of the state, civil society and business, provided by the knowledge management process.

The proposed areas of improvement of information exchange technology in public administration through the use of the functional potential of the competence management center that provides an opportunity for unified information and communication interaction between actors of the internal and external environment of public administration and improves the development and implementation of management decisions.


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Author Biographies

Natalia Stativka , KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

Doctor of Public Administration, Full Professor,

Head of Department of Labor Economics and Personnel Management, KRI NAPA

Maksym Bubliy , KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of Department of Labor Economics and Personnel Management, KRI NAPA


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Personnel Policy in Public Administration