The article reveals the conventional model of an amalgamated local community under the conditions of poly-ethnicity. It is proved that social conventionalism is a category that is quite possible to use in building an effective model of self-government of local communities that are different in their poly-ethnic nature. The social convention is considered on the one hand - as a special kind of contract that leads to agreement in the process of social interaction within norms, values, rituals, traditions, symbols, etc. and, on the other hand, as a special technology of interaction, script, usage time, etc.
The article shows that social relations in a poly-ethnic local community, which is characterized with long-term sustainable development, usually have a conventional basis. They arise as a condition for the organization of coexistence in a certain territory (where and when there is a convention between the subjects set up for unity) to harmony coexistence in the territory, to self-government and joint initiative. Conventionality becomes the content of the local community as a self-developing system, as a condition of conflict-free coexistence, as a product of joint life.
The article defines the typology of social convention according to the following criteria: subject (reason) of the convention, modality and number of subjects, spheres of human life, nature of socio-psychological mechanisms, degree of motivation of subjects, result, etc.
It is proved that the objects of the social convention can be the following reasons of the convention: the essence of concepts and meanings; information that each entity intends to receive in the process of exchange; rules of conduct in various situations; external attributes of situations; goals and means of joint activities; relations developed in the process of interaction; understanding and perception of the subjective world.
The specifics of social conventions in various areas are considered. A model of a conventional local community under the conditions of poly-ethnicity has been developed.
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