Information support of public administration mechanisms by the effectiveness of international technical assistance in Ukraine
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of information support of public administration mechanisms in the field of international technical assistance. The types of information on the effectiveness of international technical assistance provided by donors on their websites are analyzed and summarized. It is concluded that a significant disadvantage is that all projects, even within a single donor, are separate and do not contain uniform, unified indicators. There is no general assessment that would allow all programs and projects to be combined and comprehensively analyzed. Therefore, it is impossible to carry out a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of international technical assistance. The asymmetry of statistical information on international technical assistance and the monopoly of international organizations in the dissemination of data on the outcome of international technical assistance, on the one hand, lead to a debate on the need for wide public access to such data, and technical assistance. The structure of the system of information support of public administration mechanisms in the field of international technical assistance has been formed, taking into account the topics and directions of implementation of relevant international programs and projects in Ukraine, the current regulatory framework and available information and statistical support. Projects and programs of international technical assistance are aimed at establishing a socially oriented, innovative model of development of Ukraine's economy, raising the level and approximation of living standards of Ukrainian citizens to European ones. It is noted that among the modern methods that can be used for the general assessment of international technical assistance, we can highlight such as integrated assessment (construction of synthetic indicators) and modeling. The application of modeling the effectiveness of international technical assistance seems promising from the standpoint of general current trends in official information at the international level.
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