Theoretical approaches to the research of definitions and mechanisms for ensuring executive discipline in the bodies of the public service
In the article, the author analyzes theoretical approaches to the definition of concepts and mechanisms for ensuring performing discipline in public service bodies. Attention is focused on the need for a systematic, integrated approach to the study of forms, methods of the state of the executive discipline of public servants, which will help to reveal the main directions of increasing the level of executive discipline in the public service.
The author of the article proposes to generalize and adapt the experience of the countries of the European Community in improving the level of performing discipline in Ukrainian reality by introducing innovative mechanisms for ensuring executive discipline in public service bodies. This will have a positive effect on the further professional development of public servants of the authorities in Ukraine.
The expediency of researching theoretical approaches to understanding the concepts and mechanisms of ensuring executive discipline in public service bodies is determined by the importance of developing good democratic governance in Ukraine. This will help to improve the reputation of the public service in the authorities, enhance the image of a public servant, and form a qualitatively new public service system in Ukraine.
Scientific approaches to the concepts of “public service”, “performing discipline”, “public administration” reflect new, modern trends in the formation of scientific discourse on this issue in the field of knowledge 28 “Public administration and administration” and at the same time can become a platform for further conclusions regarding growth directions the effectiveness of performing discipline in public service bodies.
These factors necessitate a thorough analysis of theoretical approaches to understanding the definitions; the study uses the formulation of one’s own interpretation of the conceptual field and mechanisms for ensuring performing discipline in public service bodies in Ukraine.
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