Institutional basis of Ukraine’s economic security

Keywords: national security, economic security, stages of formation of economic security, normative-legal acts, approaches to periodization of formation of economic security


The article analyzes the main approaches to determining the main stages of economic security of Ukraine. It is established that both in the science of public administration and in economics there are no established views on this issue, no system of criteria for the periodization of this process.

It is noted that the periodization of the process of economic independence of the state and the conceptual apparatus on this issue are far from identical, as the latter may relate to research on different states and its time limits are determined by the level of scientific thought in this area.

It is proposed from the point of view of public administration as a criterion for determining the stages of the process of formation of economic security to take the moments of adoption of regulations that for a certain period of time (stage) are crucial to reflect the relevant public policy.

It is substantiated, based on the chosen criterion, that the stages of formation of economic security in Ukraine can be: 1991–1996 – pre-constitutional; 1996–2003 – constitutional; 2003–2007 – legislative; since 2007 – strategic. The next stage may be integration, which will be associated with the broad ratification of international agreements on the introduction of new economic standards in Ukraine, building external and internal economic relations that will guarantee the economic independence of the state.


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Author Biography

Daniil Odnostalko , ORI NAPA, Odesa

Postgraduate Student, ORI NAPA, Odesa


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