Formation and implementation of state policy in digitalization of the sector of the national healthcare system in the direction of disease

Keywords: rare (orphan) diseases, digital medicine, medical care, medical data, pandemic


In every society there are people who suffer from diseases that are severe, chronic and progressive, and they need vital and, as a rule, expensive treatment. Citizens suffering from rare (orphan) diseases belong to a particularly vulnerable category of people, as their treatment is lifelong and vital.

Creation of legal, economic and administrative mechanisms for the implementation of constitutional rights of the population of Ukraine suffering from rare (orphan) diseases, preservation and strengthening of their health, prolongation of active longevity and life expectancy is one of the main tasks in the formation and implementation of public policy of digitalization of the sector of the national health care system.

Under these conditions, the Ministries of Digital Transformation and Health of Ukraine pay considerable attention to ensuring transparency in the financing of the health care system; depaperization and implementation of a gradual transition to electronic accounting (e-prescription, e-referral, e-card); new electronic services for patients are being developed and access to medical data and new opportunities for business in the medical field are being introduced.

In particular, one of the strategic goals is the development of eHealth and its components, telemedicine, as well as the creation of an online platform for support of international programs in health, medical and pharmaceutical education and science in Ukraine. In the future, with the development of all components (subsystems) of eHealth, citizens suffering from rare (orphan) diseases will receive more efficient, high-quality and timely access to specific and high-cost therapy, and doctors will receive up-to-date epidemiological data on the number of citizens and prevalence of rare (orphan)) diseases. One proof of this is that the number of technologies used in the health care system has been growing rapidly in recent years.

However, it should be noted that decisions to introduce new digital health services at different levels of the health care system should ideally be based on evidence of their effectiveness, taking into account the goals of the health care system.


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Author Biography

Iryna Zhyvylo , NSC “Institute of Cardiology named after M. D. Strazhesko” of AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv

PhD in Мedicine, Junior researcher of The Department of Secondary and Pulmonary Hypertension, NSC “Institute of Cardiology named after M. D. Strazhesko” of AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv


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