Institutional support of public authority development on the example of state control function in the sphere of nature management

Keywords: components of institutional support, public authority, state control, nature management


State control is designed to assess the compliance of the tasks facing a particular authority, a clear functioning, helps to ensure the transparency of their management activities, increase the responsibility of the authority to citizens for their decisions.

The powers of public authorities are analyzed and it has been found that the state has created a powerful system of special bodies to implement the control function in the sphere of nature management, most of which have the right to interfere in the operational activities of the controlled, and that the controlling bodies have responsibility to bring the perpetrators to justice independently. It has been proved that the state control in the sphere of nature management is specific, multi-vector charactered, and the narrowing of the activity of state bodies in the direction of control is not timely.

The organizational component of the institutional support for the development of public authorities in the sphere of nature management needs to be improved by excluding powers of industry development and protection of the components of the environment from the same body  in order to avoid conflict of interest.

The legislative component of institutional support for the development of public authority in the context of the implementation of the control function requires the adoption the Law of Ukraine "On State Environmental Control" and should promote the creation and development of a single legislative foundation and regulatory support for state environmental control,

It has been proved that effective state control in the sphere of nature management at the territorial level should be ensured on the basis of complete reliable information formed in regional inventories of natural resources. Their funding from the state budget will allow public authorities to make informed and objective decisions on the development of territories, taking into account the principle of sustainable development.

Personnel component of institutional support for the development of public authorities in the sphere of nature management, including should include training of specialists for communities, that should be carried out by the relevant ministry at the expense of the state budget.


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Author Biography

Yulia Bokovykova , KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration

KRI NAPA, Kharkiv


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Regional and Industrial Management