Modern tools of interaction in the system of public administration
The current tools of interaction in the system "government–public" have been examined in the article. It is noted that the introduction of information technology in the practice of public administration is a requirement of the present and a guarantee of its effective implementation, as developed countries have a powerful e-government. It is emphasized that effective interaction in the system of public management is impossible without the use of electronic means of communication. It was found that despite the pace of development of the open data sector for five years in Ukraine today some violations of the right to access information can be still observed, including: the refusal to satisfy the request due to the fact that the requested information is information with limited access; the refusal to provide information on the disposal of budget funds, possession, use or disposal of state or municipal property; providing incomplete information while restricting access to its other part or information of inappropriate content, etc. The dynamics of the number of citizens' appeals to the government has been studied and the most topical issues raised by citizens in their appeals are presented. Positive developments in public consultations, including electronic ones have been highlighted. According to statistics, the practical experience of interaction in the public administration system is characterized by a steady trend to improve its quality characteristics but it demonstrates incomplete use of existing capacity. It was found that the number of executive bodies under which public councils have not been established remains significant. Thus, the potential of this tool of interaction remains unrealized. It has been established that the desire of the majority of citizens to register an electronic petition with requirements without studying the problem and proper justification, without promoting their proposals do not receive the necessary support. It is emphasized that the urgent need today is to find practical ways and guidelines for further development of cooperation in the system of public administration.
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