State-public department of activity of institutions of professional education

Keywords: state-public management, public-state management, public, forms of public-state management


The essence and particularities of the implementation of public-state management in the activity of the modern general educational establishment are overviewed in the article.

Successful work of an institution of professional prehigher education in education market in the conditions of growth of the competition is not possible without creation of a modern control system of educational institution. Therefore the control system has to develop and be improved constantly. Functioning of a state and public control system of education is impossible without voluntary active participation in management of representatives of the general public: public leaders, in particular, deputies, members of educational public organizations, businessmen, clergy, parents, teachers. In modern researches it is noted that the essence state - public management in modern education provides coordinated interaction between the state and community in the decision various to issues of education, connected with an opportunity to influence responsibly and productively educational policy, making management decisions, creation healthy the social environment for students. Managements of educational institution are determined by an important component in state public: cooperation of educational institutions with bodies of a government development of bodies of student government, collective management; cooperation with parents; Extension of contacts with local community, public organizations, the enterprises, sponsors.  functioning the state and public control system of education is impossible without voluntary active participation in management of representatives of the general public: public leaders, in particular, deputies, members of educational public organizations, businessmen, clergy, parents, teachers. State and public managements of education develops on the basis of the principles, the openness providing, first of all, democratic character, interaction, coherence, participation and joint management. Society has to realize that transition to state and public management of education will be created by the new educational environment with expanded opportunities of educational institutions in the choice of ways of the resource providing for use of educational technologies for support of educational initiatives.


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Author Biography

Olena Belyaeva , Sumy College of Economics and Trade, Sumy

Deputy Direktor Teaching and Educational Work,

Sumy College of Economics and Trade, Sumy


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