The system of information support of national security of Ukraine

  • Vadym Torichniy National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Named after Bogdan Khmelnitskyi, Khmelnitskyi
Keywords: information support; national security; electronic services; organizational structure; mass media


The system of information support of national security of Ukraine is improved in the article. In particular, the organizational structure of a system of information support of national security of Ukraine is characterized. It is emphasized that a specific place in an information security system is held by the state and public organizations which exercise lawful control of activity of the state and non-state mass media. The following participants of a system of information support of national security are allocated: owners of objects of critical information infrastructure and organizations operating with such objects; mass media and mass communications; monetary and credit organizations, currency, bank and other spheres of the financial market; telecom operators; operators of information systems; organizations which carry out activities for creation and operation of information systems and communication networks and also for development, production and operation of means of information security ensuring; provision of services in the sphere of information security ensuring; organizations, which are carrying out educational activity in the sphere of information security; public associations. The following target indicators of further introduction of electronic services in Ukraine are defined: increase in rating of "electronic government"; increase in index of satisfaction of population with quality of public services providing; decrease in the index of bureaucratization of public services providing; increase in a share of provided electronic public services in relation to total number of the services received in a traditional look; extension of the list of mobile electronic public services in a total amount of electronic services; development of the automated functions of public authorities; increase in a share of updated cartographic materials in territories of the country.


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Author Biography

Vadym Torichniy , National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Named after Bogdan Khmelnitskyi, Khmelnitskyi

PhD in Psychological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Psychology and Moral and Psychological Support, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Humanities, National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Named after Bogdan Khmelnitskyi, Khmelnitskyi


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Regional and Industrial Management