The phenomenon of the trust to the public servants’ professional activity

Keywords: trust, loyalty, public servants professional activity, monitoring and evaluation


The article examines the polyvariance and importance of the phenomenon of trust in the life of society by analyzing the very concept and application in legislation, various spheres of public-power relations.

Through Euler's circles it is clarified how the categories “trust”, “public authorities”, “professional activity”, “monitoring and evaluation” form new types of trust: political trust (format of bilateral interdependent communication of two or more equal subjects, which is characterized by compliance with the objectives of the object and the subject of policy, recognition of the subjects’ ability to meet the needs of the object); trust to the professional (expectation of quality performance of functional duties); trust to the quality of service (conformity of services provided, which is determined by its consumer and is the ultimate measure of service quality or service); trust in intentions, attitudes, beliefs (is a part of each of these types of the trust).

The levels classification of the trust to the public servants professional activity are proposed: professional trust (citizens’ expectation by effective and high-quality performance of public servants functional duties is a basic level, lays the foundation for development and strengthening of other levels); political trust (is formed as a result of citizens’ justified expectations from the politicians’ actions; as a rule, politicians count on a certain credit of trust at the beginning of their activity); public trust (trust to the whole mechanism of state formation in combination with security and stability), national / supranational trust (higher level of trust, which turns into faith, based mainly not on rational principles (experience and foresight), but irrational motives of the relationship); moral trust (permeates each of these levels of trust to the public servants professional activity, based to an honest, impartial, fair attitude to the work performed).

Conceptual components of evaluation of the results of public servants professional activity are formed. The place of citizens’ trust to the public servants professional activity in evaluating the results of this activity is determined. Comprehensive evaluation of the results of the public servants professional activity, based on the principles of ethics, logic, communication (goal 1), staff motivation, leads to an increasing of the level of public servants professionalism (goal 2), which has a direct impact on trust and loyalty from the citizen as a client (vision).


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Author Biography

Tetyana Kisilova , DRIPA NAPA, Dnipro

PhD in Public Administration,

Public Administration and Local Government Department, DRIPA NAPA, Dnipro


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Theory and Philosophy of Public Administration