Mathematical and physical nature of channel capacity

  • Сергій Рассомахін V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: differential entropy, channel capacity, maximum likelihood rule, uncertainty sphere, random encoding


The classic methodological approaches to the determination of channel capacity have been considered. The contradiction between analytical and geometric definitions of maximum achievable transmission rate has been shown. Objectivity of maximum likelihood rule usage in low-quality channels with low signal/noise ratio has been analyzed. The correct formulation of the mathematical and physical content of channel capacity has been made. Invariance of capacity to a noise distribution in continuous channels has been proved. The main causes of the crisis in the development of information transmission theories have been indicated.


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Author Biography

Сергій Рассомахін, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Full Professor, Academician of the Academy of Applied Radioelectronics Sciences


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How to Cite
Рассомахін, С. (2017). Mathematical and physical nature of channel capacity. Computer Science and Cybersecurity, (4), 5-25. Retrieved from