The golden section, Fibonacci numbers, mathematics of harmony and “Golden” scientific revolution.

  • Alexey Stakhov International Club of the Golden Section
Keywords: Golden section, mathematics of harmony, binomial coefficients, Pascal’s triangle, Fibonacci and Lucas hyperbolic functions, Hilbert’s Fourth Problem, Fibonacci matrices, “Golden” matrices


The Publishing House “World Scientific” recently published two fundamental books: Alexey Stakhov “The Mathematics  of  Harmony” (2009)  and  Alexey  Stakhov and Samuil Aranson  “The “Golden”  Non-Euclidean   Geometry” (2016). In the given article the author develops the Mathematics of Harmony and “Golden”  Non-Euclidean Geometry as a new interdisciplinary direction of modern science based on the golden section, Fibonacci numbers and their generalizations.  The newest discoveries in different fields  of  modern science based  on  the  Mathematics of Harmony, namely,  mathematics  (a  general  theory of hyperbolic  functions  and  a  solution  to  Hilbert’s Fourth  Problem,  algorithmic  measurement theory  and  “golden”   number   theory),  computer  science  (the “golden”   information technology), crystallography (quasi-crystals), chemistry (fullerenes), theoretical physics and cosmology (Fibonacci-Lorentz transformations, the “golden” interpretation  of  special  theory of  relativity and  “golden”  interpretation of the Universe evolution), botany (new geometric theory of phyllotaxis), genetics (“golden” genomatrices)  and  so on, creats a general picture  of  the “Golden” Scientific Revolution,  which can influence  fundamentally  on the development of modern science and  education.


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Author Biography

Alexey Stakhov, International Club of the Golden Section

Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Full Professor, Academicians of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Stakhov, A. (2016). The golden section, Fibonacci numbers, mathematics of harmony and “Golden” scientific revolution. Computer Science and Cybersecurity, (2), 31-68. Retrieved from