Reconstruction of three-dimensional scenes based on video flow data

Keywords: video flow, odometry, neural network, computer vision


This work is dedicated to the application of modern algorithms for reconstructing spatial scenes from images to restore spatial information from video. The work is looking at a variety of modern methods, approaches, algorithms and trends in the field. The attention was paid to the sequence of development of approaches to the completion of the task. While researching the field and results related to three-dimensional reconstruction based on images and video streams, an algorithm was invented that allows constructing dense depth maps using information from all video frames. The idea is to use ready-made, commonly accepted, and tested solutions to solve two problems: COLMAP for visual odometry, and RAFT for computing optical flow. The algorithm shows quite accurate results and reconstructs the depth map in detail on arbitrary static scenes.


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How to Cite
Denys Hrulov, Anastasiia Morozova, Petro Dolia, & Liliia Bielova. (2024). Reconstruction of three-dimensional scenes based on video flow data. Computer Science and Cybersecurity, (1), 66-75.