Method of cryptologic data transformations
Countering a quantum computer in the process of illegal ultra-high-speed decryption of messages is technically feasible. Information owner must oppose the competitor's computer with tasks, the solution of which requires an infinite number of operations during decryption. For example, the dependence of functions on an infinite number of informative features. The owner encrypts by integrating the functions, the recipient decrypts by solving the integral equations. It is not a discrete but an analog approach that prevails here. The basis for the implementation of this approach was created by Polish scientists. Mathematician Stefan Banach (1892-1945), who created modern functional analysis, and Marian Mazur (1909-1983), the author of " The Qualitative Theory of Information". Their theory was created in contrast with the "Quantitative Information Theory". Cryptologists who have devoted their whole lives to improving the "discrete" theory and found themselves close to power (and finance), try not to recall that Claude Shannon in his basic work "Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems" more than once emphasized the discrete focus of his developments anticipating future research on the specific limitations of his work adapted to the communication theory. Forgetting about the unlimited speeds and amounts of memory of quantum computers the orthodox talk about redundancy and further purely technical issues, including administrative leverages for counteracting against opponents. It is impossible to stop the progress of science. Experiments have shown the reality of creating such post-quantum-level cryptographic systems.
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