A short survey of the capabilities of Next Generation firewalls
This article examines the history, types, capabilities, and advantages of next-generation firewall (NGFW) technology. Firewalls are an important tool for protecting network resources from various information security threats. With the development of technology and the changing nature of attacks, especially those involving artificial intelligence, firewalls have also evolved, acquiring new functions and capabilities. This work provides a short survey of the main types, capabilities and benefits of next-generation firewall (NGFW) technology, which is a modern solution for comprehensive network protection against complex and sophisticated security threats. The work also analyzes the distinct features of NGFW and differences between NGFW and previous generations of firewalls, as well as examples of NGFW from well-known vendors that dominate the market, such as Palo Alto Networks, Fortinet and Cisco. The article highlights the main trends, prospects for the development and implementation of NGFW, including the impact of artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud technologies and the Internet of Things, advantages and disadvantages, capabilities, important aspects, purpose and sphere of application. The article also addresses the significant impact this technology will have on network security. It is emphasized that the introduction of NGFW does not replace other security technologies and tools, but effectively expands the existing arsenal of countering new security threats (primarily as an instrument of proactive countermeasures and rapid response to complex network incidents). The article may be useful for students, researchers, and information security professionals who seek to expand their competencies related to the development of modern firewall technologies and their capabilities.
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