Analysis of data search methods in cryptographically protected databases.
The issue of compliance with data security, namely their confidentiality and integrity, generally being resolved through the use of appropriate cryptographic primitives, taking into account the development of computing power (and/or computational complexity of algorithms). But, in connection with the specific method of storage (in the cloud), the question arises of the effectiveness of the search for the necessary information. The problem considered in this paper is that encryption makes it impossible for an attacker to access data without access key, but deprives the legal owner of the data, of the ability to search for this information. The article reviewe several encryption methods with searchable. For each of them algorithms given, examples of the use of these methods, explanatory figures and tables were provided. The considered methods are symmetric and dynamic, due to which they are effective and have a relatively high level of security, but low query expressiveness, which is why they are most used in NoSQL data-bases. The analysis was conducted to evaluate the complexity and level of security of the methods, and the performance of practical implementations was also considered. It was concluded that, conclusions were made about the feasibility of using one or another searchable encryption method in practice, and recommendations were made regarding the combination of the described methods to obtain expected results.
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