Luminescent properties of CsI single crystals scavenged by additions of Y3+

  • Victor L. Cherginec
  • T. P. Rebrova
  • Yu. N. Dacko
  • V. Yu. Pedash
  • R. P. Yavecky
  • S. V. Parkhomenko
Keywords: cesium iodide, acids, yttrium chloride, X-ray luminescence, the decay of scintillation pulse


The effect of Y3+ dopant on radioluminescence spectrum form and kinetics of scintillation pulse decay in CsI single crystals grown by Bridgman-Stockbarger method is studied. The increase of Y3+ concentration does not affect the position of the basic luminescence band of CsI (lmax=307 nm at Y3+ molality of 6.7·10-4 mol∙kg-1 and lmax=306 nm at Y3+ molality of 6.7·10-3 mol∙kg-1). The maximal fraction of 7-ns component of the scintillation pulse is achieved at Y3+ molality of 6.7·10-3 моль·кг-1 and it is equal to 0.65, whereas the fraction of slow 2 ms component does not exceed 0.02.


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How to Cite
Cherginec, V. L., Rebrova, T. P., Dacko, Y. N., Pedash, V. Y., Yavecky, R. P., & Parkhomenko, S. V. (2012). Luminescent properties of CsI single crystals scavenged by additions of Y3+. Kharkiv University Bulletin. Chemical Series, (21), 308-312.