Regularities of the electrochemical treatment of aluminium and its alloys in the solutions of orthophosphoric acid with the potassium dichromate additives
The kinetic regularities of the processes of aluminium electrochemical treatment in solutions of orthophosphoric acid with potassium dichromate additives are investigated in this work. It is determined, that the kinetics of these processes depends on the ratio of the concentration of H3PO4 to the concentration of K2Cr2O7: with the increase of the coefficient K=cH3PO4/cK2Cr2O7 the aluminium passivation intensifies and, on the contrary, the aluminium ionization intensifies with K value reduction. The influence of the Cr6+ / Cr3+ ratio as well as the amount of the dissolved aluminium on the kinetics of ionization / passivation reactions at electrochemical processing of aluminium are investigated. The optimal K ratio for electrolytes of etching and oxidizing are proposed.
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