Standard composition sample for the detection of silver in the jewelry products

Keywords: Silver, titrimetry, standard composition sample, Roentgen-fluorescent analysis, homogeneity, attestation


The content of silver was determined in the CpM 925 sample with potentiometric titration methods. Roentgen-fluorescent and titrimetric methods were applied to attestation of the enterprise standard sample. The latter was shown to respond all the requirements to standard composition samples and could be applied to control the accuracy of the mass fraction of Ag in the jewelry products by titrimetric methods.


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How to Cite
Yurchenko, O. I., Takhtaulova, E. N., Chernozhuk, T. V., & Dobriyan, M. A. (2012). Standard composition sample for the detection of silver in the jewelry products. Kharkiv University Bulletin. Chemical Series, (21), 224-228.