The search of new luminophores with predetermined physical and chemical properties. IХ. New water-soluble co-polymers of acrylamide

Keywords: polyacrylamide, co-polymers, luminophores, synthesis, absorption spectra, fluorescence spectra, IR spectra, molecular mass, osmometry


A new series of water-soluble co-polymers of the acrylamide with luminophores containing the unsaturated fragment (the 2-furyl and С=С bonds) have been synthesized. The polymerization was carried out in the ethyl-acetate with the benzoyl peroxide as the initiator. IR, luminescence, and absorption spectra of co-polymers have been studied.


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How to Cite
Shkumat, A. P. (2012). The search of new luminophores with predetermined physical and chemical properties. IХ. New water-soluble co-polymers of acrylamide. Kharkiv University Bulletin. Chemical Series, (21), 126-133.