1-aryl-4-(2-oxoalkyl)thio-2, 3(5H)-benzodiazepines in Eschenmozer coupling reaction

  • S. L. Bogza Litvinenko Institute of physico-organic chemistry and coal chemistry of NAS of Ukraine
  • I. K. Kobrakov
  • V. Yu. Popov Litvinenko Institute of physico-organic chemistry and coal chemistry of NAS of Ukraine
  • E. S. Sizonenko Litvinenko Institute of physico-organic chemistry and coal chemistry of NAS of Ukraine
  • S. Yu. Suykov Litvinenko Institute of physico-organic chemistry and coal chemistry of NAS of Ukraine
Keywords: 2,3-benzodiazepine, triethylphosphite, Eschenmoser coupling reaction, functionalization


1-Aryl-4-(2-oksoalkil) thio-2, 3 (5H)-benzodiazepines react with  triethylphosphite in Eschenmozer reaction conditions to give 4 - (2-oxoalkyl)-substituted 2,3(3H)-benzodiazepines with preparative yields. In contrast to the usual Eschenmozer products, double C = C bond is located between the atoms (C4) - (C5) of the heterocycle.


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How to Cite
Bogza, S. L., Kobrakov, I. K., Popov, V. Y., Sizonenko, E. S., & Suykov, S. Y. (2012). 1-aryl-4-(2-oxoalkyl)thio-2, 3(5H)-benzodiazepines in Eschenmozer coupling reaction. Kharkiv University Bulletin. Chemical Series, (21), 122-125. https://doi.org/10.26565/2220-637X-2012-21-09