The Brueckner π-orbitals in CCD computations of the rotational barrier in cumulenes

Keywords: biradical transition states, coupled cluster theory, full configuration interaction, π-approximation


We present some estimates for barriers of internal rotation in cumulenes, proceeding from the CCD model as a simple workable approach in the coupled cluster theory. The difficulties of treating corresponding biradicaloid transition states are considerably alleviated thanks to the Brueckner orbitals in the reference determinant which generates cluster amplitudes of the CCD method. All calculations are carried out in the framework of the conventional π-scheme. For assesing the accuracy of the used Brueckner approach BDCC, computations within the π-electron full configuration interaction method are provided.


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How to Cite
Luzanov, A. V. (2012). The Brueckner π-orbitals in CCD computations of the rotational barrier in cumulenes. Kharkiv University Bulletin. Chemical Series, (21), 74-79.