Study of the quality of pharmaceutical products using potentiometric titrator

Keywords: potentiometric titration, autotitration, pharmaceutical products, analysis, validation


A practical method of autotitration is presented, that offers the same functions of traditional titration with higher precision. Validation of the new method of the sample's quantity detection in different substances with the use of automatic potentiometric titrator. RSD values were calculated. Good reproductivity of results was shown. The method is proved to be reliable and selective.


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AND-DV-ER-098 Versija:01 «Levamizola hlorid, poroshok (substancija)».

AND-DV-US Versija:02 « Flukonazol (substancija)».

AND-DV-ER-114 Versija:01 «Levofloksacina gemigidrat».

AND-DV-ER-148 Versija:01 «Propranolola gidrohlorid (substancija)».

AND-DV-ER-010 Versija:04 «Natrija diklofenak, poroshok (substancija)».

AND-DV-ER-062 Versija:02 «Kofeina monogidrat, poroshok (substancija)».

AND-DV-ER-128 Versija:02 «Ambroksola gidrohlorid, poroshok (substancija)».

AND-DV-ER-140 Versija:03 «Artikaina gidrohlorid, poroshok (substancija)».

AND-DV-VR-102 Versija:01 «Fenilin, substancija».

SPC-SR-42 Versija:04 «Glicin»

How to Cite
Yurchenko, O. I., Hasanova, M. A., Dobriyan, M. A., & Chernozhuk, T. V. (2013). Study of the quality of pharmaceutical products using potentiometric titrator. Kharkiv University Bulletin. Chemical Series, (22), 231-238.