Critical Discourse Analysis of the Russian Periodical Press Materials on Political Revolutions in the Ottoman Empire (1807-1808).

  • Олег Владимирович Моргун
Keywords: Russian periodical press, discourse, the Ottoman Empire


The article presents experience for applying of a sociocognitive approach to critical discourse analysis, developed by T. van Dijk, in examination of the texts of the early nineteenth century Russian periodical press. Operation of the discourse on three political revolutions 1807-1808 in the Ottoman Empire is analyzed in accordance with the approach of T. van Dijk.


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How to Cite
Моргун, О. В. (2016). Critical Discourse Analysis of the Russian Periodical Press Materials on Political Revolutions in the Ottoman Empire (1807-1808). Актуальні проблеми вітчизняної та всесвітньої історії, 18, 125-132. Retrieved from