«Democratic transition of Bulgaria in historiography»

  • Юрій Володимирович Білоусов
Keywords: historiography, Bulgaria, democratic transition, european integration, European Union


The article deals with works devoted to various aspects of Bulgaria’s European integration in the context of democratic transition. The goal of the article is the classification the historiographic array and identification the main features inherent in various groups of publications. The works differ not only in the profile of the authors, but also in the research methods used. Due to these circumstances, each historiography group focuses on certain aspects of transit, which ultimately allows a researcher to form an integral picture of this process. Author considers the problem in accordance with the regional geographic principle and divides historiography into 4 groups: Western, Bulgarian, Ukrainian and Russian. Within the nationalstate framework, scientific works are considered in chronological and problematic aspects. The article concludes that Western scholars generally view Bulgaria in the general context of the region’s democratic transit. Bulgarian authors focus on governance and reform coordination, as they have the opportunity to observe the process from the inside. Ukrainian authors adhere to Euro-optimistic rhetoric. In addition to the methodological features of the presentation of the material, some authors (especially russian) are influenсed by the ideology of residence country. Therefore, in Russian historiography, authors often focus on the negative aspects of democratic transit.


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How to Cite
Білоусов, Ю. В. (2020). «Democratic transition of Bulgaria in historiography». Актуальні проблеми вітчизняної та всесвітньої історії, 22, 129-139. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/apvvi/article/view/15889