The Problem of “Disappearance” of the Nabataean Tribes in the 7th – 5th centuries B.C.

  • Альона Сергіївна Походнякова
Keywords: Nabataeans, nomads, nomadic state, state structures


The article is devoted to the early period of the history of the Nabataean society, in particular, to consideration of the problem of the reasons for the lack of mention of the Nabataeans in narrative sources during the 6th – 5th centuries BC, taking account of specifics of a nomadic societies’ lifestyle. As a result of this research, a solution was proposed for the “historical” aspect of this problem, discussions about which are still being held among scientists. The author concludes that the Assyrians, faced with the Nabataeans in the 7th century BC, perceived them as an independent subject of foreign policy. It was a “nomadic” state with a king at the head, which did not imply a compulsory sedentary lifestyle, to which the Nabataeans would come only in the 2nd century BC. The need for the functioning of state structures that originated in ancient times under the influence of an external threat disappeared during the 6th – 5th centuries BC, and appeared again in the Hellenistic period. As a result of this, there was such a rapid development jump and the final formation of the Nabataean State in the 2nd century BC.


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How to Cite
Походнякова, А. С. (2020). The Problem of “Disappearance” of the Nabataean Tribes in the 7th – 5th centuries B.C. Актуальні проблеми вітчизняної та всесвітньої історії, 22, 17-23. Retrieved from