Public-private partnership in sports in the context of war and post-war reconstruction: challenges, lessons, old and new principles and institutions
This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the transformation in models and principles of public-private partnership (PPP) in Ukraine’s sports sector under the unprecedented challenges of war and post-war reconstruction tasks. Drawing on the theoretical foundations of institutionalism, the authors examine the evolution of organizational and economic mechanisms for PPP implementation in Ukraine until 2022, identifying key issues: fragmented legislation, unclear procedures and guarantees for investors, lack of institutional capacity and coordination of government actions, high corruption risks, and public distrust in non-transparent agreements. The destruction of approximately 40% of sports infrastructure and sharp reduction in budgetary funding for the sector highlight the urgent need to attract private capital through PPP. Meanwhile, these extraordinary conditions create opportunities for institutional innovations – more flexible, transparent, and socially-oriented forms of partnership. Successful PPP cases during wartime demonstrate the crucial role of informal institutions – trust between partners, adaptability, and stakeholder engagement. The authors substantiate the necessity of systemic reforms: transition to market-based PPP models, digitalization of procedures, legislative consolidation of modern partnership forms, and development of specialized institutions and personnel. The article provides valuable conceptual generalizations and practical recommendations for managers, businesses, and scholars, outlining promising directions for further research. The work demonstrates the potential of PPP as a catalyst for positive change even in crisis conditions. Simultaneously, it proves that partnership success is determined not only by formal norms but also by «soft» sociocultural and value factors – the ability of government, business, and society to develop a new philosophy of cooperation for the common good.
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