Crowd-technologies in the governance system under conditions of military law in Ukraine

Keywords: management technologies, crowd-technologies, martial law, decentralized governance, e-governance, informatization


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of using crowd technologies in public institutions under conditions of military law in Ukraine. An analysis is made of the definition of crowd technologies in domestic and foreign literature. Criteria and indicators of crowd technologies are determined, including: a common goal as a factor of participants’ identity; absence of legal contracts and agreements; operational horizontal communication; a small amount of resources spent; non-financial incentives and motivation for attracting new participants; generation of decisions and ideas, obtaining new knowledge; effective implementation on the Internet; unlimited number of participants. The systematic structure of crowd technological projects and the advantages of crowd technologies in public administration compared to traditional administrative levers are systematized. An overview of crowd technology typologies at the level of governance institutions is provided, including their time of implementation, initiator status, and more.

The reasons for the rapid development of crowd technologies in the conditions of a state of war have been identified, including: a high level of civic activity and responsibility of the population due to the efforts to counter Russian aggression; a high degree of development of civil society, especially the volunteer sector in the period preceding the full-scale Russian invasion; a culture of openness cultivated by the authorities following the Revolution of Dignity in 2014; a high level of trust in the military organization of the state and the overall legitimacy of the government, which became the center of unity for society; the presence of an information and network society actively introduced in Ukraine as a result of active policies of decentralization and digitization in previous years; a high level of development of the Internet and information and communication technologies, including as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The peculiarities and examples of the application of crowd technologies in conditions of martial law in Ukraine have been investigated. Various types of crowdfunding, based on voluntary contributions, including crowdsourcing, crowddonating, crowdlending, and crowdinvesting, are classified as financial crowd technologies. Crowdstaffing, crowdrecruiting, crowdtraining, crowdhunting, and crowdassessment are classified as personnel crowd technologies responsible for personnel recruitment. The focus is on crowd technologies that optimize the activities of public authorities and organizations and implement innovations. The following are studied: crowdmarketing, crowdcomputing, crowdstorming, crowdforesight, crowdtesting, crowdcrowdcreation, crowdwiki, crowdactive, crowdfixing, crowdsearching, crowdmapping, crowdsolving, and crowdvoting. Conditions and recommendations for using the opportunities of crowd technologies in the governance system, including in conditions of martial law, are identified, including decentralization of governance, e-governance, and informatization.

The conditions and recommendations for utilizing the potential of crowd technologies in the governance system have been identified, including in the context of martial law.


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Author Biography

Larysa Sokolik, Odesa Polytechnic National University, 1 Shevchenko av., Odesa, 65044, Ukraine

postgraduate student of the Department of Public Administration and Regionalism,

Education and Research Institute of Public Service and Administration

Odesa Polytechnic National University,

1 Shevchenko av., Odesa, 65044, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Sokolik, L. (2022). Crowd-technologies in the governance system under conditions of military law in Ukraine. Pressing Problems of Public Administration, 2(61), 38-56.
Mechanisms of Public Administration