Keywords: political responsibility, elections, MP, proportional system, open lists, electoral code.


The article examines the new rules for holding local elections under the Election Code, which came into force on January 1, 2020, in particular to clarify the features of the proposed proportional system with open lists and to identify the risks of their application in forming political responsibility. The impact of the electoral system on the effectiveness of elections as one of the mechanisms of political accountability is analyzed, and it is concluded that the effectiveness of this mechanism depends on which system the elections will be held and how well the voters will be informed about the details of the electoral process. It is determined that the “openness” of the lists is relatively relative and does not give all participants of the electoral race the same benefits. In order for a candidate to be able to change their position in the regional list, he or she needs to gain at least 25 % of the electoral votes, so it will be extremely difficult for party candidates to gain less than 10 % of the electoral votes to allow them to change their position. in the regional list. It was found that: 1) parties wishing to gain more support now have to formulate regional lists responsibly and conduct special information work for voters in order to make them well acquainted with their candidates; 2) political responsibility for the code increases not only among parties, but also among voters - they need to know more about candidates, to be ready to mark a specific name in the ballot - this requires special efforts from the parties in the regions.


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How to Cite
Bilous , K. (2020). MODERN ELECTORAL SYSTEM AS A TOOL FOR FORMING POLITICAL RESPONSIBILITY (KHARKIV REGION EXAMPLE). Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (1(57), 196-204.
Political and Legal Basis for Public Administration