The purpose of the article is to update on the features of public reputation of public organizations of national minorities as the centers of consolidation of ethno-national communities and their integration into Ukrainian society. It is pointed out that national minorities have good prospects for actualizing their participation in the social and political processes of the state through the activities of national NGOs. They must be integrated into national public-management relations and work closely with public authorities. Putting on the agenda the problem of public reputation and active institutional re-
branding of public organizations as centers of consolidation of national minorities in Ukraine is a topical topic. The need to investigate the problem should be considered more broadly and positioned in the context of decentralization of power and integration of all citizens into Ukrainian society. Public policy in Ukraine has the necessary potential to facilitate the development of public and managerial life forms of national minorities, but in the face of mutual steps on the part of ethnic communities to find a consensus model of interaction of all those interested in the successful development of the parties. Prospects for the development of public organizations of national minorities depend on their reputational capital, which can be used as an advantage in obtaining morally-psychological and socially attractive preferences both from the state and from civil society. The linear straight line “national minority – public organization” symbolically forms synergistic circles and defines their regular interaction. NGO use close synergies as the focal points for national minority consolidation in Ukraine, enabling them to interact effectively in a closed environment.
Public reputation works in an ethno-national environment and synthesizes public interests, needs and brand of the national minority. Here, non-governmental organizations of national minorities act as a barrier that, on the one hand, performs a protective function, that is, acts monolithically in the middle of this foundation (nucleus), without letting in “alien” influence, and on the other, establishing the necessary communication with the “outside world” – by the state, state authorities, civil society, other national minorities, etc. The institutional rebranding of non-governmental organizations in Ukraine, which is needed in the current environment, is proceeding very slowly. This is not only a reluctance from the state power to support in this direction, but also the passivity of ethno-national communities, their unwillingness to function in public.
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