Keywords: sustainable development, sustainable development in Ukraine, legal mechanism, legal mechanism for sustainable development, public administration.


There was further development the conceptual foundations of the sustainable development formation at the present stage of public administration transformation in Ukraine, which, in the context of public administration reform, provides for sustainable development as a result of the implementation the Government Management Reform Strategy approved by the Government for the period until 2021. This, in turn, is a reaction to external factors of influence, in particular, to the decision of the UN General Assembly on a new program in the sustainable development field “Transformation of our world: Agenda for Sustainable Development by 2030”, which includes
17 development goals and 169 related tasks . For Ukraine, these goals and related tasks are mandatory to fulfill, within the framework of the obligations undertaken, which provide for amendments to the organizational and legal mechanism of public administration.

The article analyzes the mechanisms of legal support for the implementation of sustainable development in Ukraine. The Sustainable Development Legal Framework is based on a Concept that defines a country’s sustainable development policy on the basis of the provisions set out in the relevant UN final instruments, including the resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly, Transforming Our World: A 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in turn, it involves the development of relevant national, state strategic development documents, and subsequently forward-looking and programmatic documents, regulatory acts, etc., aimed at reprimanding spare quality of life and welfare of citizens; effective implementation and restoration of human capital; changes in the industrial paradigm of thinking on innovation, taking into account the impact of global megatrends and the development of technologies of the fourth industrial revolution; stimulation of economic activity of small and medium-sized businesses and development of the internal market; development of strong cooperative links in production chains that will shape SMART specialization of regions and open up new markets.


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How to Cite
Khymchak, V. (2020). ANALYSIS OF LEGAL SUPPORT MECHANISMS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (1(57), 150-157.
Regional Administration and Local Government