Keywords: decentralization, united territorial communities, social assistance, territorial centers for the provision of social services, social protection management, district state administration.


Improving the institutional capacity of united territorial communities is one of the crucial priorities of state development. The main direction of social policy is to change the system of social support. The article is deal with the analysis of the ways to increase people’s access to basic social services. The powers and resources that local governments received as a result of decentralization provide more opportunities for the development of territories and the creation of a modern model for the provision of social services. Thus, united territorial communities are empowered to decide on the organization of social work in independent manner, provide social services, including by mobilizing the efforts and resources of all business entities located on the territory of united territorial communities. It is seen as the provision of social services is one of the most important types of administrative services provided at the local level. Currently, structural units of district state administrations provide social support services. The analysis of specificity of poor access of the population to services in the provision of social support has been done in this article. That is, a person who needs social support must apply and wait the decision on provision of social services at the district level. It is extremely inconvenient and burdensome for residents of the communities, who need to spend time and money in order to get to the district center to receive social services. It leads to a certain social tension. So this article is devoted to the analysis of the security of the united territorial communities with the territorial centers for the provision of social services. ffective management of a multi-level decentralization reform is one of the most pressing issues of public administration in Ukraine. Therefore, the creation of an effective model for administering a social services system should strengthen the potential for managing change in public ssector.


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How to Cite
Kotukov , O., & Ushakova , M. (2020). INCREASING ACCESSIBILITY OF RESIDENTS OF THE UNITED TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES TO SOCIAL SERVICES. Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (1(57), 144-149.
Regional Administration and Local Government