Keywords: entrepreneurship, enterprises, individuals, enterprises, employment, employees, production volumes, profitability infrastructure.


The article analyzes the state of entrepreneurship development in Kharkiv region, the number of enterprises, the level of employment, the level of profitability, production volumes, the dynamics and the factors that influenced it.

The article considers the total number of entrepreneurs in recent years, the level of employment, the number of employees, the volume of products sold, profitability, analyzes the activities in the areas in accordance with the size of the enterprise, infrastructure and factors influencing the development of entrepreneurship. The program for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Kharkiv region for 2016 – 2020 was characterized.

It has been determined that statistics confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of the Program for the Promotion of the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Kharkiv Region for 2016 – 2020. But it should be noted that support is more focused on informing and conducting educational activities, attracting investors and donor assistance. Financial support is being provided, and this is a positive development, but at the regional level, aid volumes are extremely small. Positive is the experience of securing loans that private entrepreneurs receive for the implementation of business plans. We consider it appropriate to increase such guarantees. Unresolved issues are material and technical support for business support.

Development of the practice of guaranteeing investment in fixed assets, the acquisition of equipment, new technologies. Or attracting grant assistance to create a regional leasing center, the activities of which will be aimed at assisting in the acquisition of equipment, will not only expand entrepreneurial initiatives, but also improve the quality and competitiveness of goods in our region. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen material support for the development of entrepreneurship at the regional level.


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Analitychna dovidka shchodo spryiannia rozvytku maloho ta serednoho pidpryiemnytstva v Kharkivskii oblasti za II kvartal 2019 / Ofitsiinyi vebsait Kharkivskoi oblasnoi derzhavnoi administratsii. URL: https://kharkivoda.gov.ua/oblasna-derzhavna-administratsiya/struktura-administratsiyi/strukturni-pidrozdili/717/43045?sv [in Ukrainian].

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How to Cite
Amosov , O., & Lesnaya , O. (2020). ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN KHARKOV REGION . Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (1(57), 113-122. https://doi.org/10.34213/ap.20.01.13
Regional Administration and Local Government