• O. Kopanchuk Postgraduate Student of Training and Research and Production Center of the National Defense University of Ukraine, Kharkiv ORCID 0000-0003-3320-4109
Keywords: : information security, information sphere, national interests, social partnership.


The scientific article analyzes the current system of state protection of national interests in the information sphere in Ukraine, identifies problems related to state regulation in this field and proposes ways to eliminate them, develops recommendations on improving information security of Ukraine’s national interests.

Based on the theoretical analysis of all views, it is concluded that information security in the conditions of becoming a global information society is closely linked to the problems of ensuring the security of the individual, as well as the society as a whole. This is especially evident in Ukraine, where information systems have a close connection with the authorities. Given the multifaceted nature and complexity of state regulation, the further need for scientific research on mechanisms for ensuring information security is further necessitated. Information security of the society as a whole and its structural parts is due, first of all, to the rapidly growing technological capabilities of modern information systems, which by their influence on politics, economic and economic life, spiritual and ideological sphere are determined at this stage of the historical development of the state and social order. and all-inclusive.

It is established that the problem is qualitative changes in the activity of state authorities and management, the transformation of the management system taking into account the development of a mechanism of reconciliation of the interests of governors and managers, which should get a basis in the legislation, in the public consciousness and political culture of civil servants, politicians and citizens.

It is determined that in the sphere of information security of Ukraine the following vital interests of the state are distinguished: prevention of information dependence and blockade of Ukraine, information expansion by other states and international structures; effective functioning of the mechanism of interaction between public authorities and civil society institutions in the formulation, implementation and adjustment of public policy in the information sphere; building and development of the information society as a necessary precondition for Ukraine’s competitiveness in the modern world; ensuring the economic and scientific and technological development of Ukraine; formation of a positive image of Ukraine; organization of the system of protection of citizens’ rights to free and unhindered access to information, involvement of their formation of the information security system; integration of Ukraine into the world information space.


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How to Cite
Kopanchuk, O. (2020). STATE PROTECTION OF NATIONAL INTERESTS IN THE INFORMATION FIELD OF UKRAINE. Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (1(57), 106-112.
Mechanisms of Public Administration