Keywords: public service broadcasting, state influence, mechanism of state regulation, concept of the mechanism.


The article examines the formation of a mechanism of state influence on the activities of public service broadcasting and proposes the concept of this mechanism. The need to develop a concept for this mechanism is contained in the features of public service broadcasting. Firstly, it is the mission of public broadcasting, the general access to information and knowledge, representation of the interests of the whole society. Secondly, it is ensuring the independence of public service broadcasting, guaranteed fund, and accountability of the public for the fulfillment of the mission and the use of resources.

It is also necessary to take into account that public service broadcasting is a subject of the market, hem activities are regulated by a separate Law of Ukraine, as well as regulations in the sphere of media and entrepreneurship. The product of public service broadcasting is a public good and is accordingly produced, distributed and consumed on the basis of appropriate principles.

Based on these conditions and under the logic of the design of the mechanisms, it is identified: the purpose, structure, product of the mechanism. The purpose of the mechanism of state influence on the activity of public service broadcasting is to ensure the ever-changing needs of society in information, communication, etc. for the development of society and the formation of civil society.

We consider the mechanism in the form of two subsystems: a functional subsystem and a support subsystem. Within the frame of the functional subsystem are planning, stimulation, responsibility and the main production of the product of the mechanism. The support subsystem contains the following elements: financing, control, legal support, information support, vocational training, etc.

Based on conceptualization as a movement from the abstract to the concrete, that represents knowledge in a structured and detailed form, we developed the concept of this mechanism, which displays only the necessary set of constructs that allows you to set the picture of reality. Thus, the development of the concept of the mechanism of state influence on the activity of public service broadcasting is based on a set of elements, their interconnection and consists of a description and a graphical representation: an object, a Center, subjects of the mechanism, an algorithm, a description of the results (product), conditions, assumptions and limitations of the mechanism.


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How to Cite
Cheban , O., & Yasinevich , S. (2020). CONCEPT OF THE MECHANISM OF STATE INFLUENCE ON THE ACTIVITIES OF PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTING. Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (1(57), 90-99.
Mechanisms of Public Administration