Keywords: public management, public administration, state management, local government, public associations, business stakeholders, hierarchy of public management.


Generalized the scientific opinion on defining the substantive essence of public management and administration. Clarified the concept of “public administration” as a purposeful interaction of subjects and objects that is being reached by means of certain functions. Classified the functions of the local government bodies according to the following specifications: the nature of management process, the form of activity, the area of activity, the subjects of management.

Outlined the sectoral composition of public management: state management, local government, public associations, business stakeholders. Two groups of public administration entities were distinguished – specially created governing bodies and elected officials, as well as public and business involved in administration; defined their role in public management – high degree of participation of governing bodies, medium degree of participation of public associations, small degree of participation of business stakeholders (development of community and / or region growth strategy and its implementation, formation of public-private partnership projects, implementation of business social responsibility projects etc). Created the grouping of the local government execution forms – forms of direct demonstration of the citizens’ will (local elections, local referendum, regular residential meetings, local initiatives, public hearings, other forms of direct democracy); forms of interaction of the local government bodies (“strong council - mayor”, “strong mayor - council”, “council - manager”, combined model, commission model); organizational forms of activity of local government bodies; forms of territorial communities cooperation.

Defined the relation between public management and administration – administration is a component of public management. Created a semantic construct for “public management and administration”. Justified the four levels of hierarchy in public management system – high, central, regional, local. Systematized the subjects of public management by that hierarchical levels.


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How to Cite
Mamonova , V. (2020). PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION: INTERRELATION AND COMPOSITION OF THE ACTORS. Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (1(57), 29-36.
Theory and History of Public Administration