Becoming a Paradigm of Sustainable Development

  • Oleksandr Usachenko PhD in Public Administration, Assistant Commander of the battalion for legal work of the military unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Kyiv
Keywords: public administration, ssustainable development, paradigm, concept of sustainable development.


The article discloses the essential component of the paradigm of sustainable development, which is based on the combination of three components (economic, social and environmental).
This involves balancing the social, economic and environmental components of development by overcoming their evolutionary disorganization. According to the criterion of such development, the
growth of the integrated socio-economic-ecological potential in the conditions of preservation and improvement of the qualitative parameters of the natural environment, human and economic potential is increasing. The paper objective is to determine the conceptual foundations for the formation of a sustainable development paradigm. Sustainable development involves balancing the social, economic and environmental components of development by overcoming their evolutionary disorganization. The main content of the sustainable development concept is the preservation of capital as
created by mankind (arti cial capital) and that which is natural. In order to achieve sustainable development, it is necessary to increase the total amount of these capital. It deserves attention to the level of the international community development in the context of the implementation the concept of sustainable development. International law allows the use of environmental resources of a certain country other. Thus, the interchange and complementarity of the aforementioned components of the capital of sustainable development, arti cial and natural, are realized. 

Thus, according to the results of the study, the essential component of the paradigm of sustainable development, which is based on the combination of three components (economic, social
and environmental), is disclosed. This involves balancing the social, economic and environmental components of development by overcoming their evolutionary disorganization. According to the
criterion of such development, the growth of the integrated socio-economic-ecological potential in the conditions of preservation and improvement of the qualitative parameters of the natural environment, human and economic potential is increasing.


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How to Cite
Usachenko, O. (2019). Becoming a Paradigm of Sustainable Development. Pressing Problems of Public Administration, (1(55), 206-211.